Top 5 Interesting AI Project Ideas for Beginners

1] Handwritten Digit Recognition

Aim: To build a system that can recognize handwritten digits with the help of artificial neural networks
Problem: Digits and characters written by humans consist of various shapes, sizes, curves, and styles, not exactly the same for two people. So, converting written characters or digits into a digital format was challenging in the past for computers. They also used to struggle at interpreting text on paper-based documents.
Although digitization is being rapidly adopted in almost every sector, certain areas still require paperwork. This is why we need technology to make this process easy for computers so that they can recognize human writings on paper.
Solution: Using artificial neural networks make it possible to build a handwritten digit recognition system to precisely interpret the digits that a person draws. For this, a convolution neural network (CNN) is utilized for recognizing digits on a paper. This network has a HASYv2 dataset comprising 168,000 images from 369 different classifications.
Application: Apart from papers, a handwritten digit recognition system can read mathematical symbols and handwriting styles from photos, touchscreen devices, and other sources. This software has various applications like bank cheque authentication, reading filled forms, and taking quick notes.

2] Lane Line Detection

Aim: To create a system that can connect with self-driven vehicles and line-following robots to help them detect lane lines on a road in real-time.
Problem: Undoubtedly, autonomous vehicles are innovative technologies that use Deep Learning techniques and algorithms. They have created new opportunities in the automobile sector and reduced the need for a human driver.
However, if the machine driving a self-driving car is not appropriately trained, it may cause risks and accidents on the road. While training the machine, one of the steps is to make the system learn how to detect lanes on the road so it does not get in another lane or collide with other vehicles.
lanelinedetection Solution: To solve this problem, build a system using the concepts of Computer Vision in Python. It will help the autonomous vehicles detect lane lines properly and ensure it runs on the road where it should be, without risking others.
You can use the OpenCV library – an optimized library that focuses on real-time usage like this one to detect lane lines. The library includes Java, Python, and C++ interfaces that support Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, and iOS platforms.
Furthermore, it’s imperative to find the markings on a lane’s both sides. You can use computer vision techniques in Python to find the road lanes where self-driving cars should run. You must also find the white marking on a lane and mask the rest of the objects with frame masking and NumPy arrays. Nest, the Hough line transformation is applied to finally detect the lane lines. In addition, you can use other computer vision methods such as color thresholding to identify the lane lines.
Application: Lane line detection is used in real-time by autonomous vehicles like cars and line-following robots. It’s also helpful in the gaming industry for racing cars.

3] Pneumonia Detection

Aim: To build an AI system using convolution neural networks (CNNs) and Python that can detect pneumonia from a patient’s X-ray images
Problem: Pneumonia is still a threat, claiming lives in many countries. The issue is that X-ray images are taken to detect the diseases like pneumonia, cancer, tumor, etc., in general, which can provide low visibility and make the assessment inefficient. But if proper treatment is followed, the mortality can be significantly reduced.
Furthermore, the position, shape, and size of pneumonia can differ at a significant level, with its target contour becoming largely vague. It increases detection and accuracy issues. This brings us to develop a technology that can identify pneumonia early with optimum accuracy to give proper treatment and save lives.
pneumonia1 Solution: The software solution will be trained with massive details on pneumonia or other diseases. When users share their health-related issues and symptoms, the software can process the information and check it against its database for possibilities related to those details. It can use data mining to provide the most precise disease corresponding to the patient’s details.
This way, a patient’s disease can be detected, and they can get proper treatment. And to design the software, you must determine the most efficient CNN model analytically and comparatively to achieve pneumonia detection from X-ray images using feature extraction. Next comes presenting the different models with their classifiers to propose the most suitable classifier and evaluating the best CNN model to check its performance.
Application: This AI project is beneficial for the healthcare domain to detect diseases like pneumonia, heart ailments, etc., and provide medical consultation to the patients.

4] Chatbots

Aim: To build a chatbot using Python to embed it in a website or application
Problem: Consumers need excellent service when they use an application or website. If they have a query they cannot find the answer to, they may lose interest in the app. So, if you are building a website or application, you must offer the best quality service to your users so you don’t lose them and impact your bottom line.
chatbot Solution: A chatbot is an application that can enable automatic conversation between bots (AI) and a human via text or speech like Alexa. It’s available 24/7 to help users with their queries, navigate them, personalize user experience, boost sales, and provide deeper insights into customer behavior and needs to help you shape your products and services.
For this AI project, you can use a simple version of a chatbot that you can find on many websites. Identify their basic structure to start building a similar one. Once you have finished a simple chatbot, you can move to advanced ones.
To create a chatbot, AI concepts like Natural Language Processing (NLP) are used to enable algorithms and computers to comprehend human interactions through various languages and process those data. It breaks down audio signals and human text and then analyzes and converts the data in a machine-understandable language. You will also require different pre-trained tools, packages, and speech recognition tools to create an intelligent and responsive chatbot.
Application: Chatbots are highly useful in the corporate sector for customer service, IT helpdesk, sales, marketing, and HR. Industries from eCommerce, Edtech, and real estate to finance and tourism use chatbots. Top brands like Amazon (Alexa), Spotify, Marriott International, Pizza Hut, Mastercard, and more leverage chatbots.

5] Recommendation System

Aim: To build a recommendation system for customers for products, videos and music streaming, and more, with the help of ANN, data mining, machine learning, and programming.
Problem: Competition is high across all domains, whether it’s eCommerce or entertainment. And to stand out, you must cover extra miles. If you offer something that your target customer is looking for but don’t have the measures to guide them to your shop or recommend your offerings, you leave a lot of cash on the table.
recommendation Solution: Using a recommendation system can draw more visitors to your site or application effectively. You might have observed that eCommerce platforms like Amazon offer product recommendations that you have searched for somewhere on the internet. When you open your Facebook or Instagram, you see similar products. This is how a recommendation system works.
To build this system, you require browsing history, customer behavior, and implicit data. Data mining and machine learning skills are necessary to produce the most suitable product recommendations based on customers’ interests. And you will also need to program in R, Java, or Python and leverage artificial neural networks.
Application: Recommendation systems find huge applications in eCommerce stores like Amazon, eBay, video streaming services like Netflix and YouTube, music streaming services like Spotify, and more. It helps increase product reach, number of leads and customers, visibility across various channels, and overall profitability.